Supporting Art in the Community
Cornwall Wealth Management is a proud supporter of Oakville Galleries. Oakville Galleries is a not-for-profit contemporary art museum engaging communities throughout Oakville, and wider audiences regionally, nationally and internationally. Our community involvement includes helping Oakville Galleries support their mission of belief in the singular power of art and artists to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our communities and move us toward a better world.
Oakville Galleries provides programs for families, children and schools, and while some programming may be temporarily on hold during the pandemic, Salon is a new online program that takes its cues from the Oakville Galleries collection and from our past and future exhibitions to share new ways of encountering contemporary art. We welcome you to join us to see moving image works and images from our collection, hear our curators talk about contemporary art, and engage with the work of a community of incredible artists we continue to support.
Click here for more information on supporting Oakville Galleries.