Missing You Already - Happy Retirement Wishes
When Dahlia first approached us with her plan to retire, I'd be lying if I said anyone took it well. Oh we may have pasted polite smiles of understanding and encouragement on our faces, but inside we were all yelling "NOOOOO"! Truth be told, we may have even initially ignored her comments, hoping that she'd forget. Since then, we've gone through all stages from denial to acceptance, and now we're ready to share with everyone that after more than 41 years in the financial industry, Dahlia will be retiring later this fall.
We are so fortunate that Dahlia has spent the previous 7 years of her career with us. During that time, Dahlia has built strong working relationships with our clients and corporate partners, who join us in wishing her all the best. We will of course all miss "colleague" Dahlia - her dedication to excellence for clients and colleagues, incredible attention to detail, memory, willingness to help in any situation... but much more than that, we will miss "friend" Dahlia - caring, enthusiastic, hilarious, warm, wonderful Dahlia, who contributes so much to the family feel we enjoy at work. Any of us should be as honored to make as positive an impact on the people around us, and the work that we do as Dahlia has. Congratulations and best wishes from all your friends at Cornwall Dahlia!