Our Commitment Continues
An important COVID-19 update as we work through this second period of lockdown in Ontario. We continue to be available and prepared to help you, and we extend our wishes of health and safety to your families and loved ones.
We remain open, staffed, and available to help you, as we are deemed an essential service by the Province of Ontario. With most of our employees working safely from home, we have been successfully using online meeting software, email, and phone calls to connect with you.
If you and your advisor agree that an in-person appointment would be appropriate, we can meet in our office boardroom – with only one client meeting happening at any one time within our office.
Our in-office COVID-19 safety protocol is as follows:
- We will only be conducting 1 client meeting at any one time within the office.
- We will allow ample time between client appointments to allow for disinfecting of areas.
- You will be asked to complete a health questionnaire when you arrive for your appointment; this questionnaire will also be used for contact tracing purposes and asks you to notify us if you develop any symptoms within 14 days of your appointment. Completion of this questionnaire is necessary to proceed with the appointment.
- We will send you a meeting reminder and the Health Questionnaire 2 days before your appointment and ask you to complete and return it to us at that time.
- Part of the process when you arrive is a confirmation of your answers on the Health Questionnaire and a temperature check. We will be abiding by this same process.
- At the time of your appointment, we ask you to ring the doorbell on the Cornwall Wealth Management office door and we will unlock the door to greet you.
- You will be required to wear a mask to enter the main building at 1540 Cornwall Road, and within the Cornwall Wealth Management reception area. We recommend masks be worn at all times. All team members at Cornwall Wealth Management will wear a mask when outside their personal workspaces.
- Upon entry we ask you to please sanitize your hands with the sanitizer provided.
- We will welcome you to your appointment in our spacious boardroom, where we have installed clear dividers on the boardroom table, and an air purifier with HEPA filters (this is in addition to the air ventilation system within the building which also utilizes HEPA filters). The boardroom will be disinfected prior to your arrival.
- Please try to keep 6 feet from others while at Cornwall Wealth Management.
- We assure you that all team members at Cornwall Wealth Management will be screened daily including a temperature check and are asked to stay home if they have any symptoms of sickness. To be at the office, team members are symptom free and have not been in contact with anyone who is sick.
- Contactless greetings – we will not be shaking hands or having any physical greetings
We are working to ensure the safety and comfort of our clients and our team members. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the items listed here please do not hesitate to call us or email us. If you have booked an in-person appointment and wish to meet virtually instead, we ask that you provide us ample time to be able to send you the connection information.
Virtually, with a phone call, or in-person – we look forward to speaking with you soon. Please reach out to us with any questions you may have about your investments or financial strategy. Our best wishes to everyone for a healthy, successful 2021.